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  • Writer's pictureFood Allergies for Beginners

A message to food allergy group Admins- SHAME ON YOU.

This is a potentially controversial topic, that I cannot WAIT to discuss. In fact, it's been long overdue. I believe, food allergy group admins and moderators need to do a serious self-awareness and reassessment check into their policies, and ask themselves WHY they are admins of such important groups.

I have been on a journey of food allergy advocacy and awareness for 5 years now. However, I didn't get "serious" about it, until 3 years ago. I use the word "serious" loosely, because when I decided to become an active advocate, I went from casually educating people as I met them, to dedicating 40+ hours a week creating books, blogs, content, products, shirts, school visits and more.

We all know how annoying it is, to be in a poorly-moderated Facebook group, letting members run it over with self promotion for their products and businesses.

However, as a food allergy community that RELIES on education, products, sharable content to educate others, groups offering support, product alerts, and more that SAVES LIVES, how can there not an exception to these rules?

Am I just a bitter, hard working, promoter that is in desperate need of the spotlight? In a way, YES! To be specific, I am in DESPERATE NEED of a spotlight on FOOD ALLERGY AWARENESS and EDUCATION that will ultimately SAVE LIVES.

Perhaps, YOUR child's life one day.

I believe, that our communities should have every single exception to self-made, group policies, that do not allow these advocates promote their products that HELP support our community and keep our children safe.

Over the years, I kept track of how many denials I received, by either personal messages from the admins, to automatic rejections of posts. Hundreds, folks...

In some of the heated debates I have had with DOZENS of admins about this, it has FUELED my desire to create a community that has real intentions to help these families navigate food allergies and to keep their kids safe.

The truth is, these admins DO NOT deserve the audience they have, if they are purposefully blocking information and products to help keep your child safe.

Think about this for a moment...

Does it really bother you that a food allergy mom makes $1.50 off a food allergy shirt store that she has spent hundred's of hours on, to bring your child some options?

Does it really bother you that a food allergy book that teaches a child about their food allergies, has the potential to make that mom a lot of money?

Folks, big picture here-in EVERY way, that person deserves EVERY DIME for helping YO

UR child and YOUR family be educated, confident, informed, and for being successful at spreading awareness.

I can promise you one thing, that $1.50 profit is nowhere NEAR what she is actually making, considering the time she has put into this passion.

This is why, when I became a member of this team at, it was non-negotiable to implement a ban to stop stupid non-self-promoting policies in our Facebook group, website and community.

We should all be sharing these products, leaving reviews on Amazon so others can find them, and supporting these people who spend the countless hours to SAVE LIVES.

If you have a food allergy product, we WELCOME you into our Facebook group to educate, self promote and TEAM UP with us to help make this world a safer place. If you are in need of resources to educate teachers, family, or anyone else, SAY THE WORD and resources will be there.

What is there was a product that educated teachers in a way that you didn't or couldn't? What if you wanted a resource like that, and IT WAS BEING INTENTIONALLY CENSORED?

To the current food allergy admins restricting these resources, SHAME ON YOU. And to those same admins who take offense or defense, only YOUR FUTURE actions will determine if you are worthy to hold a sacred position and audience, like the one you have.

There's a right and reasonable way to do allow this, and you know it...

I hope you reconsider why you have the audience you have and the potential lives you are putting at risk with the promotion ban and I genuinely hope you look deep into the needs of our community and implement a structured policy that allows these desperate food allergy families from options by seeing what other food allergy advocate have designed to make our world a SAFER place.

If you have a food allergy product, know someone who does, or have food allergy products that you love, please ALWAYS SHARE with us and others, to give them hope, understanding and support.

If you are not an admin, PLEASE PROTEST THIS TOPIC to your admins!

As we start to build this awareness community and business, please take a moment to spread the word about our free promotions for food allergy products, and like and share our page and website!

Unlike some, we are genuinely here for you in those hard times of need, and together we can make this world a safer place as a TEAM, because that is what it is going to take.

-Food Allergies for Beginners, Contributor


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